Wednesday 4 October 2017

Yesterdays Lecture - The Power Of Colour

On Monday, I was given a task to look deeper into the various meanings of colour, and to look at the positives and negatives a colour can give off. Furthermore, the colour I was given to research was Pink. My initial thought of this was not good as it is by far my favorite colour. However, I was intrigued to find out how much a colour can have an effect on us and help us relate to certain topics.

Yesterday, I had a lecture about the colour red as an example of what kind of things to look out for in our task. Tim, who is my course leader, spoke about how red is a colour with great history, grace and culture. An example of this, is that many kings and queens throughout history and even today are painted and seen wearing luxury garments in the colour red, such as cloaks and gowns. I have always loved wearing the colour red as i feel it empowers me and makes me feel confident. No matter who you are in the world, red is a colour that everyone will have somewhere in their closet - from a red jacket to red socks. This lecture helped me realise that colour is more than just a visual and made me think about the connotations I have with the colour pink. Immediately, my thoughts go straight to femininity, romance and tenderness. Although pink is a visual colour, it also has physical and physiological meaning such as feeling calm and relaxed with softer shades, and maybe feelings of excitement with the more acidic shades. This then goes deeper into the different emotions that various shades bring which I will be talking about in my next blog post for my personal task looking into the various themes of the colour pink.


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