Wednesday 7 March 2018

The Naked Brand

Yesterday, I watched a documentary on brands and how they choose to advertise. It was greatly interesting to me how the least obvious methods of advertising actually showed to be the most successful. In a time where everywhere we look contains some method of advertising, do we still listen? These are the questions that were asked during the documentary and I feel like we loose trust in a lot of the content we now see.
Coming back to trust in brands, do we really believe in what they're telling us? Because if what they're saying isn't being backed up by reviews, why should we listen? A great deal of advertisement on tv today is aimed at young children as the "I want that" era continues as modern parents enjoy buying into anything for their kids who love anything bright, colourful and what simply makes a great mess. An example of this which was shown on 'The Naked Brand' was the Crayola "washable" coloured bubbles. 
Then looking at the reality of a product and reading honest reviews shows...
that the reality of the product is that it is only a 1 star rating. This shows we cant fully put our trust in brands and what they're telling us as it could be completely wrong. The fact that Crayola is a huge brand name and has a great reputation really questions the fact that can we trust big corporations and big brand names just because we know their names well? I read some of these reviews and it included comments like:-

on March 18, 2011
"Horrible mess. Stains everything. Hard to get off skin. Not at all up to crayola standards.

They should recall."

This shows that reviews really back up a products legitimacy. 

Throughout the internet buying times where we rely on the big businesses to do their best, I feel this sadly puts small business' on halt as we may not trust them as much as we could. Small business have less budget for advertising and also to make their products feel legitimate. This is a contradictory solution to how much we feel comfortable spending in brands and buying into them. Where as we may find advertisements boring and annoying, it really does help in us trusting them as it feels more real and not like were buying from china and waiting 22+ days to receive badly made products or even fakes.

Advertising can be spread in many different ways but watching The naked brand gave me a true insight into how far it can really be pushed and how thinking outside the box can benefit a brand and also a consumer. There were two different brands who each spent $20million on advertising. They were Chanel and Pepsi. Its the way they done their advertising which were very different. Chanel spent a whole $20million on 1 advert which contained Nicole Kidman which got 1.8 million views on youtube. Where as Pepsi gave a whole $20million to communities, health, food, education and more. This got a far bigger reaction and got more than 80 million views for people voting on what the money should be spent on. This money changed peoples lives for the better and also helped them gain way more recognition than the Chanel ad. This shows that honest and ethical advertisement can do a lot more for just the brand but also the consumer.
Chanel ad
Pepsi Ad 


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