Monday, 28 May 2018

My £54 Customs Charge!

Around 2 months ago, I purchased clothes from an Australian brand called White Fox Boutique. Slightly more expensive than the mass market stores in the UK. However, the quality of the clothes are SO MUCH BETTER just for paying that little extra. Its always a risk buying from abroad because you're never quite sure what you're going to get, but I built trust in the brand over social media, UK bloggers and also previous purchases. These clothes are ones that you'll want to keep for ever and it's sad to say I can't think of one shop in the UK that sells this kind of quality with designs that you genuinely love. Although everyone has different taste, I feel for the female market, Australia really does have some of the best brands. 

Other than the fact I was buying from Australia, theres also a risk in the sizes being wrong. Either i'm crazy or their clothes really are the bees knees, but I was willing to pay my £54 customs charge to receive my order plus to pay a seamstress to take the clothes in as they were slightly too big. Even though I was willing to pay all of this money, there is not enough notice to tell people about the extra fees on top of postage. When buying from a brand from abroad for the first time can be slightly scary  and when it starts to drain your bank after simply just buying clothes, theres becomes another respect on-top of 'just buying clothes'.

Consumers like me are just getting bored of over hyped, cheap arse, fast fashion brands. I feel in todays market, people under 22 are underestimated on how much we spend. I like good quality fabrics and fit just as much as your older consumer. Its the small independant brands in Australia who I really think understand this. We are willing to pay out for something that will make us shine in confidence. So why in the UK do no brands understand this.

Thanks for reading!


1 comment

  1. Hi Hannah, you mentioned you were charged £54 customs how much did your parcel cost without those fees? Trying to work out mine! Thanks xx


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