Monday 13 November 2017

Hero Of Concept - Katy England

Nick Knight and Stylist Katy England
Katy England is a Fashion Stylist who is best known for her work for Alexander McQueen. I wanted to research her work as for my work at university we will be analysing fashion images. After researching what she does, I then looked into images which she had styled and realised how unique all the images I saw were, completely holding onto my attention with every detail.  

The reason I chose to look into Kathy England was because I like how she disturbs the obvious choice of garment and accessory within the environment and using the colour scheme of the background to keep unity within the images. Another reason I chose to look at her work was because it brings contrast of light to a dark situation or scenario such as the shoot 'One In Ten' that she styled with a breast cancer survivor. This was about how breast cancer affects one-in-ten women, and how unfortunately is invisible in fashion photography. I feel that this is a huge positive of her work as bringing light to serious situations can really talk to someone who has maybe gone through something difficult and help see the positives and lighter side of life. Below shows an image where I feel Katy England used garment and accessory to describe the emotion of the woman and her story.
'One In Ten' Styled by Katy England

I admire the work Katy England creates because she uses her unique stylistic ways to take on subjects with political, social and ethical reasoning and really help create something thats worth looking at and listening to. This makes Katy stand out as an individual aswell as a stylist as she enjoys getting involved in shoots that tell a true meaningful story that are important to her.  

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